Secretary general

Secretary general

Dr. Emmanuel D Lah.

Dr. Emmanuel D Lah.

Secretary General

Dr. Emmanuel D Lah.

I am a Liberian trained medical doctor from the A.M.Dogliotti of Medicine and a 2012 graduate from Cuttington University, Bong County.

I joined ULOUK under the membership of the Manchester Men Organization.

I have worked over the years at various hospitals in Liberia including St. Joseph Catholic Hospital, Medicine Sans Frontieres, Duside Firestone, and was the Medical Director of Saclepea Comprehensive Health Center, in Saclepea Nimba County from 2020 to 2021.

Currently, I serve as the Managing Director of Right To Live Organisation, a Non governmental organization in Liberia that supports vulnerable children who need medical help.

Short statement

I am pleased to have been elected General Secretary of our esteemed organization. Together, I strongly believe we can achieve great milestones, and I am confident that we will continue to strive for excellence and progress.

To all member organizations, your dedications and commitments are truly appreciated, and I look forward to working alongside each and every one of you to further our collective goals.

Let us continue to uphold the values of our organization and work together to make a positive impact. Thank you for your ongoing support, and let’s embark on this journey of success together.


The Union of Liberian Organisations in the United Kingdom (ULOUK) was established in 2004 in Northampton, 

© 2023


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